Are you Tuned in?
Every single day we make a decision about who we want to be... PERIOD! Now sugarplum, you have to understand something deeper than the...
Letting go
I have been experiencing the joy of being in the flow. My life is made complete through the power of faith. I have stepped up and allowed...
Negativity and Energy
Personally I have made major movement upward in a lot of areas in my life as of late and now I am being pushed to let go of all that does...
Did you know that Essential Oils fight SuperBugs?
Essential oils could be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics and potentially used to combat drug-resistant hospital...
Detox Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the single most effective spa therapy for detoxification of the body, due to the nature of essential oils making...
Copy of Not so sexy findings :: Hidden chemicals in Perfumes and Colognes
THIS IS A RANT - I AM ON MY SOAPBOX A rose may be a rose. But that rose-like fragrance in your perfume may be something else entirely,...
Natural Perfumery Explained
Mood Enhancing ... perfumery that make you happy or calm, or sexy were the hottest trend in recent years, and still are. Yet now you want...
Aromatic Aphrodisiacs
An aphrodisiac is generally defined as a substance that enhances or stimulates passion and sexual arousal. Individuals that are...
Essential Oils are necessary... Here's why
Hello from the ever fragrant studio of the Aromatic Alchemist. It has been a most interesting start to our 2020. I have been busy...
Aromatic Holidays Part 2
Okay I am on a roll and want to share with you some the easiest and most effective ways to change your world and the world of the people...
Aromatic Holidays
As we are full swing in the holiday season, I have found that most are getting into the real season of holiday spirit, which is not the...
Choosing Essential Oils
Essential oil therapy by Certified Aromatherapists
Catching up
Blends for your needs and more...
New Power Days ahead...
As we all continue to flow through the energies of late, I have been blessed with the assistance of nature through the use of incredible...
Essential oils to fight against Antibiotic resistant superbugs.
Essential oils could be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics and potentially used to combat drug-resistant hospital...
Essential oil recipes for your Wellbeing
The following creations are ways to use essential oils to bring peace, relaxation, and simplicity into one’s space. Lighten the air: Put...
Choosing Essential Oils
There are a variety of companies that sell essential oils directly to consumers and some that take the direct market approach. Knowing...