Aromatherapy for Babies
Baby Aromatherapy 101... This week I had the privilege of assisting a new momma with her birthing process by creating a blend for her and...
Summer cleaning with Essential oils
The dog days of summer are on their way and nothing is better than cleaning with essential oils. Not only does your environment...
Mood Enhancing Beauty Products
Beauty products that make you happy (or calm, or sexy) were the hottest trend for 2010, but it seems they’re still abuzz as a reporter...
How to get over the Big Box image of Aromatherapy
The truth behind commercial aromatherapy
Healing through Nature, with Nature, by Nature, Naturally... (clearing my throat)
I have to preface that I am a bit of a research nerd and LOVE to be the fire hose and douse you with knowledge to better allow you to...
How Aromatherapy works - part 2 - The Limbic System
The limbic system helps us to remember events that caused strong emotions. If someone were to be attacked, the limbic system would first...
How Aromatherapy Works
Most people do not realize that essential oils which are the basis of aromatherapy enter the blood stream of the body via skin absorption...
Demystifying Aromatherapy
One can simply inhale an essential oil, which is the essence or life blood of a plant, and instantly feel the healing effects. Every...
World's Oldest Perfume Discovered
The world’s oldest known perfumes have been found on the island reputed to be the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love,...
May Chang and how it made its way to me...
Okay, so I am a blending temptress of essential oils today in the studio. Itunes blasting in my ear, dancing and receiving healing energy...
Integrative Wellness and Essential oils
I am here today to tell you about essential oils and how for hundreds of years, they have been used successfully for healing and deserve...
The Essense of Essential Oils
Essential oils are powerful oils that have the ability to heal.